Portable Microwave Can I Put A Portable Coffee Mug In The Microwave?
Can i put a portable coffee mug in the microwave? - portable microwave
Since the outside of plastic and metal from the inside? Do not just want to blow up the microwave.
7:54 PM Posted by Lenard Nakayama
Can i put a portable coffee mug in the microwave? - portable microwave
Since the outside of plastic and metal from the inside? Do not just want to blow up the microwave.
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Experience. If you see sparks, and then stops: D, which used to fly when the spark goes over a longer period.
It is advisable to put metal in the microwave. In this case, the foam plastic and metal can also lead to problems, if any.
no no no you can not put metal in the microwave, even more, although his time in closed rooms
Experience. If you see sparks, and then stops: D, which used to fly when the spark goes over a longer period.
no no no you can not put metal in the microwave, even more, although his time in closed rooms
no no no you can not put metal in the microwave, even more, although his time in closed rooms
It is advisable to put metal in the microwave. In this case, the foam plastic and metal can also lead to problems, if any.
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