How Do I Trade Between Platinum And Soul Silver Trading Between Games?

Trading between games? - how do i trade between platinum and soul silver

I have Pokemon Yellow, Red, Blue, Silver, and my brother have emerald, platinum, and blue. Can you trade from yellow to silver, the use of traps for cloning (I already know how) and then to Emerald Trade?


allii j said...

Maybe. Everything you need to do ensure is that both a Game Boy and a linker to trade and all have very insecure instant messaging, you can negotiate Sliver yellow, blue, red can not fight on the Game Boy in yellow, red, blue, but if you trade gold version Sliver .. & Battle. Ruby & Sapphire Trade Battle: Fire Red, Leaf Green Battle & Trade. [Diamond & Pearl & Platinum can every battle and trade.
Hope I Help Good Luck!

Shep Dogg said...

hmmm. Good question, I think you can, but I'm not 100% sure, why not try? Better yet, get a map to Action Replay for the gameboy and you can do to keep the pokemon you need to honor in the grass. You may make unlimited Master Ball, silver, rare candies, iron, protein, carbohydrates, etc., so you can optimize out.

Hikaru S said...

YOU do not act out of silver to pokemon emerald is not possible, I'm sorry, but ywllow money, yes ...

dark scar said...

no idea. Such as cloning or trap?

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